Everything Taco Seasoning

Item Number: 100778


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Gluten free   Nut free   Dairy free   Non-BE   Kosher   Vegan   Soy free  

No preservatives, fillers, or artificial flavors or colors.  

A Flavorful Fiesta

Make meals more flavorful with this one seasoning! And what’s better than tacos? With our Everything Taco Seasoning, you have a sure thing every time. Plus, you can add it to enchiladas, quesadillas, steamed veggies, soups, dips, or anything else you’re making for zesty flavor.

Product Details

  • Zesty blend of peppers, tomatoes, onions, and garlic.
  • All-purpose seasoning goes beyond tacos. Great on ground beef, chicken, pork, veggies, and so much more.
  • 3.7 oz. (104.9 g)

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